Sixty Seconds to Live

sixty-seconds-to-liveYou have just 60 seconds of your life remaining. Can you solve your own murder in this mini-adventure?

Click or drag items to interact. Try to find means, motive and opportunity to solve your own murder!

Play Sixty Seconds to Live

This game was built from nothing in under 3 days, for the Mochi 60 seconds contest. Everything was done in that time from concept and idea development, through artwork and sound recording to coding and playtesting. There’s even a walkthrough for those who can’t work it all out for themselves. Enjoy!

4 responses to "Sixty Seconds to Live"

  1. Russell says:

    Excellent for 3 days work. Great job. Lots of fun and lots of pressure to move quickly.

  2. me says:

    God damit draw a fucking button for Back to Cell and Turn Around!!!!

  3. Gracie says:

    God damit draw a fucking button for Back to Cell and Turn Around!!!!

  4. unknown says:

    just click the bottom of the screen

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