Bridge Construction Chaos
Monday, July 13th, 2020
You have a magical sky crane, and a construction job to do. But the traffic hasn’t been stopped. You’ll just have to work around them I guess. Don’t worry if a few innocents end up in the water in the process. I’m almost sure they can swim.
- – Controls are all on an XBox controller, and are shown in game.
- – Features 6 incredibly
detailedchallenging levels. - – No winching the cars to the goal. Your mum didn’t raise you to be a cheat!
- – Built by a team of one, in about a day and a half. For the GMTK Games Jam.
No need to complete levels if you don’t want to. You can skip back and forth as much as you like.
This was my entry to the second largest games jam in the world. Well over 5000 entries from over 18000 participants! It ranked in the top 20% of entries, with a top 10% rating for fun. I’ll take that as a win, especially as this was my first completed jam since my brain surgrey. I tried to enter GMTK in September 2018, but had to sleep for several days after just 3 hours of work on it! I had to sleep for several days after this too, but I got to the end and made it a proper entry in the jam.
Check out the game on to view the trailer/walkthrough videos, or download it to play for free if you have an XBox controller.